Max weight for symmetric rotor Kg 300
Max diameter of rotor mm 1000
Diameter of rotor journals mm 5:100
Max sensitivity max g/mm 0,8
Standard bed mm 1200
Max distance between centerline of pedestals with standard bed mm 1050
Min distance between centerline of pedestals mm 150
Daimeter driveb by belt mm 50:400
Balancing speed (instrumentation) 1/mm (70) 125:10000
Power and type of drive kW 2,8 D.C.
With safety guards
YEAR 2006
Halter Universal
HALTER CNC Automation has developed the HALTER LoadAssistants,
Based on its many years of experience in the machining industry and production automation:
The all-in-one Universal (for turning and milling), the TurnStacker an...