Halter Universal
HALTER CNC Automation has developed the HALTER LoadAssistants,
Based on its many years of experience in the machining industry and production automation:
The all-in-one Universal (for turning and milling), the TurnStacker and the MillStacker. Compact, Premium and Big. Available with a 12kg, 25kg, 35kg or 70kg robot arm.
All Halter loading robots can be configured individually according to customer requirements
Complete Plug & play solutions for every brand of CNC machine, New or existing
Please contact 1MTA for more details
Halter Universal Compact 12 is a robotic loading solution for turning and milling with the smallest footprint in our Universal product range, at the most competitive price in the market. covering the complete range of workpieces up to 135 mm.
Universal Premium 25/35 is a robotic loading solution for turning and milling, covering the complete range of workpieces up to 270 mm.
Universal Big 35/70 is a robotic loading solution for turning and milling and is designed especially for loading heavy workpieces. It also has a high capacity for shaft handling up to 600 mm.