Heidenhain TNC 310 3 axis CNC Control Power drawbar Power rise and fall to knee Assorted spindle tooling Coolant system Automatic lubrication system Table guarding Lighting
Axis X stroke mm 1100
Axis Y stroke mm 240
Axis Z stroke mm 360
Table dimensions mm 1550x350
Spindle speed n.12 - rpm 25/1500
Quill diameter mm 130
-D.r.o. 3 axis
-Motorized ram
-Sheet metal platform for operator
-Head cover...
Mecof CNC Bed Type Milling Machine x 9000mm
Table 9000mm x 2200mm
Asquith Angle plate 1000mm x 2500mm x 1200mm,
2 off sub tables 1000mm x 11500m.
X 6626mm,
Y 1000mm,
Z 2040mm
Heidenhain 426 CNC Control