Abbott Two-Sided Tooling Column are made of Tenzaloy™.
They provide a practical, inexpensive and lightweight means of holding work accurately in a vertical or horizontal application for CNC machining operations.
They can be mounted directly on a machine table/pallet or used in conjunction with a rotary table.
Abbott tooling columns are available in multiple configurations built to any height, width and thickness dimensions required for your application.
In addition, base sizes can be customized to fit any machine pallet.
DC Varibore Collets have the same accuracy specification as spring collets whilst maintaining a gripping range of +/- 0.5mm. Supplied with either smooth or serrated gripping surface. Serrated collets are ideal for aggresive first operation gripping o...
T-Nuts to suit BB200, BR & BRT Series Chucks
Used for the mounting of jaws onto the base jaws on a power chuck.
These are supplied with the bolts required.
Keeping spare t-nuts can result in reducing setup times.