This custom-made press line is designed with 4 hydraulic workshop presses from Profi Press. Especially indicated to carry out the forming of plastic material. This press line is equipped with supply rails, a heating section, a cooling section and a PLC-control to regulate the pressure, cycle-time and position of the piston. The material is placed in the heating section (the first two presses) where it will be heated and formed with a constant pressure during 40 minutes. After these 40 minutes, the material slides into the cooling section where the same process takes place with a low temperature. Exclusively made in the Netherlands! Contact us for more information!
PreliminaryDanly Hydraulic Straight Side Spotting PressModel: SH-150-156-84Year: 1964(4) Available In Plant!150 Ton Capacity60" Stroke120" Daylight (Bed to Slide)156" LR x 84" FB Bed & Slide Area Rolling BolsterSpeeds106 IPM Approach0-106 IPM Pressin...