Press capacity: 50 ton
Ram stroke: 80 mm
Slide adjustment: 40 mm
Shut height (stroke down, adjustment up): 605 mm
Free frontal opening L-R: 560 mm T
able surface area : 500 x 650 mm
Slide area: 540 x 1.000 mm
Hole in table: 220 x 350...
Made in Taiwan. Double spindle, double Y axes turret and gang tools multi-tasking turning centre with sub spindle, BMT45, 12 station and up to 24 tools
Made in Taiwan. Double spindle, double Y axes turret and gang tools multi-tasking turning centre with sub spindle, BMT45, 12 station and up to 24 tools
Made in Taiwan. Double spindle, double Y axes turret and gang tools multi-tasking turning centre with sub spindle, BMT45, 12 station and up to 24 tools