System Specifications
Press Brake
Maximum Tonnage: 143 U.S. tons
Bend Length: 127 inches
Maximum Stroke Length: 7.87 inches
Open Height: 19.7 inches
Throat Depth: 16.3 inches
Distance Between Housings: 106.3 inches
Ram Repeatability: +/- 0.00004 inches
Approach Speed: 7.87 inches per second
Bending Speed: 0.78 inches per second (Max) programmable
Return Speed: 7.87 inches per second
Overall Machine Dimensions: 139" (L) x 116.9" (H) x 60" (W)
(174" (L) w/control to far left)
(88.6" (W) w/control in forward position)
Hydraulic Oil Capacity: 17.8 gallons
Machine Weight: 26,400 lb. Approx.
L Axis +/- 0.00008 inches
Movement Range
L Axis 27.55 inches
Y Axis 106.3 inches
R Axis 9.8 inches
Feed Speed
L Axis 1,180 inches per minute
Y Axis 2,362 inches per minute
X Axis 393 inches per minute
Minimum Command Unit
Ram 0.0001 inch
Backgauge 0.001 inch
CNC Controller, Model: Amada AMNC-PC
Axes of Control: Eight
D1 & D2 - Ram depth
(+/- 0.098" ram tilt)
L1 & L2 - Backgauge
(19.68" gauge taper maximum)
Z Vertical finger position
Y1 & Y2 - Horiz. finger movement, side to side
CC - Ram crowning
Click on link for videos under power:
Bandsaw Machine HFA1000CII
The Amada heavy duty large capacity automatic band saw machines are designed to cope with adverse environments and conditions of use. The accessibility of the machines allow large diameters and shapes to be loaded/unloaded ...