1.1 Motion Package
Travel Method: X axis for work piece movement, Y axis for cutting head
Control Method: X, Y & Z simultaneous 3 axis control and B axis
Drive Motors: FANUC AC Servo (X, Y, Z and B)
Maximum Sheet Size: 61" (Y) x 198" (X) with one repositioning cycle
Maximum Axis Travel: 61" (Y) x 99" (X) x 11.8" (Z) x 0.78" (B)
Maximum Cutting Speed: 2362 IPM
Maximum Table Speed: 3,149 IPM. Per axis (4,454"/min. 45O vector)
Maximum Speed - Z-Axis: 2362 IPM
Positioning Accuracy: 1: 0.0004"/20"
Repeatability: 0.0002"
Maximum Material Weight: 727 lbs. (5' x 10' x 3/8" or 4' x 8' x 1/2")
Number of Clamps: 3
Work Chute: 66" (Y) x 21" (X)
Assist Gas: 4 ports, part program selectable
Machine Size (WxDxH): 99" x 225" x 90"
Machine Weight: 13,640 lbs including laser resonator
Electrical Requirements: 208 VAC, 3 phase, 60 Hz., 10 KVA
(1) Processing accuracy will be different
1.2 CNC Controller
Model AMNC-F
Display: LCD Color Graphics Display
Control Function: X, Y, Z-Axis Simultaneous and Focus Lens B-axis, Adaptive
Optic and Laser Power control (CW, Gated Pulse, Pierce Routines etc.).
Data Input Method: Touch screen, Keyboard, Ethernet, Wireless, CD, USB, 3 1/2"
Floppy disk
Minimum Command Unit: 0.0001" (X, Y, Z)
Minimum Travel Unit: 0.0001" (X, Y, Z)
Standard Memory: 2 MB
Hard Drive: 10 GB
Operating Modes: Automatic and Manual
Display Modes: Program Contents, Position Information, Program Check,
Settings, Parameters, Beam Diameter Compensation, Assist Gas Status, Self
Interlock Displays: Cooling Water Status, Gas Pressure Status, Vacuum Status,
Turbo Blower Malfunction, Shutter Status, Beam Power, Resonator Discharge,
Door Open, WACS.
Electrical requirements: See Motion Package.
RAPTOR Fiber Laser Cutting machine has been produced to be an alternative solution without compromising the cutting quality by observing a more modular and ergonomic design compared to the standard Fibermak, with its outer structure that takes less s...
When it comes to turning/holding smaller diameter parts Abbott’s precision master plate and segment system is an ideal choice for high changeover and short running jobs. Due to the system’s high repeatability, it is an excellent alternative to mo...
SWING OVER BED WAYS ................... 53-1/8"
SWING OVER CROSS SLIDE ................ 41-3/8"
SWING IN GAP .......................... 65"
DISTANCE BETWEEN CENTERS .............. 120"
WIDTH OF BED .......................... 26"