Technical Specifications
Motion Package
Travel Method: Stationary table, X, Y and Z-axis movement for cutting head
Control Method: X, Y and Z simultaneous 3 axis control
Drive Motors: Fanuc AC servo motors
Maximum Sheet Size: 160" (X) x 80" (Y)
Maximum Axis Travel: 160" (X) x 80.70" (Y) x 3.93" (Z)
Maximum Axis Positioning Speed: 4,724 inches per minute per axis (6,693 inches
per minute 45-degree vector)
Maximum Speed Z-Axis: 4,724 inches per minute
Repeatability: 0.0002"
Maximum Material Weight: 3,500 lbs.
Maximum Material Thickness: Mild Steel: 1.0"
Maximum Material Thickness: Stainless Steel: 1.0"
Maximum Material Thickness: Aluminum: 1.0"
Assist Gas: Automatic 3 ports with NC pressure Control
Electrical Requirements: 200V, 3 Phase, 60Hz
Control Specifications
Model: AMNC 3i Control
Display: Touchscreen Color LCD
Control function: X, Y, Z Axis simultaneous and focus lens B-axis, and laser
power control (CW, gated, pulse, pierce, routines, etc.)
Data storage: Compact flash drive
Laser Specifications
Resonator style: LD excited Yb fiber
CW Output power: 9 KW
Peak Pulse output power: 9 KW
Power stability: +/- 2%
Laser wavelength: 1.08 microns
Laser power mode selection: CW, gated Pulse (CNC controlled)
Laser beam mode output: multi-mode
Beam divergence: < 3mm-mrad
Pulse frequency: 1-10000 Hz
Pulse duty: 0-100%
Interlocks: Electrical, mechanical, chiller
Electrical requirements: 200V, 3-phase, 60Hz, 12kVA max.
Equipped with
AMNC 3i control
Dust Collector.
Klamp CRL42 collet chucks are suitable for spring, varibore and rubberflex collets increasing its flexibility. Varibore and rubberflex collets allow rough, unfinished bar to be machined in the first operation and spring collets can be used for high a...
SWING OVER BED WAYS ................... 53-1/8"
SWING OVER CROSS SLIDE ................ 41-3/8"
SWING IN GAP .......................... 65"
DISTANCE BETWEEN CENTERS .............. 120"
WIDTH OF BED .......................... 26"