Sandingmaster Machine no:
SL343 Type:
SCSB2-1300 Year of make:
1989 Belt sanding installation: Sanding belt width:
1.300 mm Number of sanding units:
2 Standard roll:
270 mm ø Engine power:
22 kW Grinding unit electrically adjustable in height: 380V:
{"Brand":"R\u00f6hm","Machine no":"M862","Type":"260 mm \u00f8","Independent 4-claw":"","4 claw":"260","Diameter":"260 mm \u00f8","Passage":"70 mm \u00f8","chuck":""}
"5-Axis jaws provide the component with a lot more height creating more clearance for tools in 5 axis applications. Serrated surface means that component can be held on less material resulting in less waste material."