Table size: 130mm dia / 32 palletsCapacity L x W x H: 550 x 440 x 580mm C axis, B axisSpindle taper: BT 40 BIG PLUSSpindle speeds: 15000rpmRapid traverse rates: XYZBC: 60 x 60 x 60 x 50 x 100m/minuteNo of stations on Auto toolchanger: 240CNC Contr...
Made in Taiwan. High speed 4+1 axis VMC with Mitsubishi M720VS CNC system. X axis 500mm, Y axis 250mm, Z axis 400, table diameter 250mm, C axis tilt 360°, B axis rotation +30°/-120°, speed range 12,000rpm, 24 station ATC.
Used Dugard 760E vertical machining centre with Siemens 828D control with Shopmill, 20 tool twin arm ATC, 11,000rpm belt drive, 762/440/460mm X/Y/Z axis and BT40 spindle taper