Table size: 1370 x 280 mm Table traverse: 860 mm Cross traverse: 355 mm Vertical traverse: 460 mm Spindle speeds: 50 3750 rpm Spindle taper: 40 INT Power feeds and rapids in all directions Varispeed head Swivel vertical head each way Coolant.
DOM: 2001X 548.6 mm, Y 408.9 mm, Z 459.7 mmPower 5.6 kWRPM 15000 rpmATC 30Table 599.4 mm x 378.5 mmTaper BT40Control CNC (Yasnac J300)Machine weight: 4 tonsMachine Dimensions: 7′ x 8′ x 9′
SpecificationSpindle Speeds 9.5 to 1560 (18)Spindle taper No 5 morseSpindle travel 410mmFeeds 0.066 to 0.963Max spindle height spindle to base 70”Column diaGraduations metricPower LockingEquipmentSafety brakeBox tableCoolantElectrics 440 V 3 phase...