PRELIMINARY SPECIFICATIONSLITTELL AUTO CENTERING REELMODEL 40-184,000 LBS CAPACITY18" COIL WIDTH60" O.D. COIL15" - 20" I.D. COILMANUAL ADJUSTMENTLOOP CONTROL ARMBACKING PLATECOIL KEEPERSMOTOR: 2 HP / 230-460 VOLT / 3 PH / 60 CYCLE, 7.6-3.8 AMPAVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION!!!Specifications Subject To Verification; Subject To Prior Sale and Price ChangeWe encourage your personal inspection of this machine, available immediately!
The Fanuc S430iW robot has flexible design with a large work envelope and the
ability of the upper arm to reach all the way behind itself. This model is a
heavy payload, high performance robot with proven reliability. Features
include a slim pr...