The Side-Loc Xpansion Clamp is actuated from the side, making it perfect for blind hole applications. The Side-Loc Xpansion Clamp is designed in two styles, one for milling operations and one for lathe applications. The milling vesrion has a precision machined base for precise location in fixture plates and the lathe version has a 25.4mm shank for gripping in a chuck.
While standard single-wedge clamps keep workpieces tight in one place, preventing upward and downward movement, double-wedge clamps generate a pull-down effect, pressing the workpieces downwards onto the fixture base. This type of clamp has serrated ...
The original MITEE-BITE T-Slot Clamp combines our unique cam action clamping element with a T-nut.
The Mitee-Bite Kit Contains 2 Mitee-Bite Fixture Clamps.Mitee-Bite