The positioner SILVESTRINI Mod. SA 1 ORBIT EL T5 are composed by: HEADSTOCK Section The structure in rugged electro-welded steelwork, supporting a motorized (horizontal axis) rotation system. The rotation is given by a gear motor that, by means of a pinion, meshes with a large slewing bearing, to which is fixed the ORBIT Structure. This section is equipped with lateral precision guides to permit the ORBIT vertical lifting movement. The elevation is hydraulic, by means of hydraulic piston on which are inserted special clamping safety valves, that prevent the fall of the table, in case of accidental breakage of tubes. On the horizontal axis is installed an electric rotating joint for the connexions with the Orbit table (vertical axis). This permits the total axes free rotation. MECHANICAL STRUCTURE ( ORBIT) It Is constructed in rugged electro-welded steelwork and holds a rotating table (motorized like the over mentioned headstock) that will support thу working pieces in high accuracy. A special bronze rotary earth connection (Silvestrini patent) transmits welding current. Technical specifications related to the workpieces: Cap: 5 ton Table dia: 1000 mm Max rotation speed of the table: 1 rpm Lifting stroke: 1000 mm Lifting speed: 700 mm 1:
Type/Model: SA 1 ORBIT EL T5 - 5 TON 2:
Stocknumber: V.02 12526 3:
Main category: [V] Turninggears, Manipulators, Welding Robots, Weldingdericks & -pinchtables 4:
Sub category: [V.02] Turning gears - Positioners - Welding dericks & -pinchtables 5:
Brand: Silvestrini
{"0":"6 axis robot + 5 external axis Siemens OP27 control Welding source: GLS 503 Quinto 30,5 kVa Robot mounted on column. - Column has an X-travel of 4000 mm - The robot is turnable and has a diareach of 2000 mm. - The robot also mobile and has a tr...