For clamping different materials for the optionally three different clamping inserts are available. The use of teeth results in a high surface pressure whereby maximum holding forces are achieved. In the case of wear of the Mastergrip clamping claws these can be easily replaced. At the same time, the jaw has a smooth side for clamping machined surfaces.
Cast iron plain tooling cube with mounting holes. Plain to allow for the machining of hole patterns and features required for specific fixtures. Ground flat parallel and perpendicular for accuracy. Holes for side location to allow precise loading and...
Used BMT55 Angular Driven Tool Holder for CNC Lathes, Eppinger, s/n296625-6, model no. R78685, 1:1 ratio, max 6,000rpm Length of drive to Tang - 103mm, (To fit Doosan CNC Lathe)