CAPACITY: Maximum Shearing Thickness 1/4"
Maximum Cutting Length 120.87"
Gap Depth 2.56"
Speed (Strokes/Minute) 60
Back Gauge Range .39-39.37"
No of Holddowns 13
Motor Size 15 H P
Machine Weight 18,519 Lbs
Programmable CNC Back Gauge
Squaring Arm
(2)Support Arms
Electric Foot Pedal.
Abbott square tombstones are made of Tenzaloy™. They provide a practical, inexpensive and lightweight means of holding work accurately in a vertical or horizontal application for CNC machining operations. They can be mounted directly on a machine t...
One of the fastest and strongest milling clamps available anywhere, these clamps are easily set up and broken down, making them ideal for odd-shaped parts and short cycle times. The worm-and-gear design ensures that the clamp will not loosen with use...