One piece 30° slant bed with box guides Large swing diameter 600mm Z-axis travel 610mm (S26/60) or 1100mm (S26/110) 10” Power chuck High thrust force 1441 Nm High rapid feed 18/24 m/min (X/Z) Available with C-axis & BMT – 65 Live tooling
Motion Package:
Travel method: Stationary table X,Y and Z axis movement for
cutting head
Control method: X,Y and Z simultaneous 3-Axis control
Drive motors: Fanuc AC Servo motors
Maximum sheet size (X,Y): 120" x 60"
Maximum axis trav...
These reduction bushes allow for the fitting of boring bars and drills with a straight shaft. All sizes are manufactured in a range of capacities. The sleeves are hardened and ground for a good fit for both the holder and the shaft.
Abbott triangle tombstones are made of Tenzaloy™. They provide a practical, inexpensive and lightweight means of holding work accurately in a vertical or horizontal application for CNC machining operations. They can be mounted directly on a machine...