"Main bodies for all SVF series flexible vices. These bodies include precision location underneath with counterbored mounting holes and are manufactured from tool steel treated to HRC 55 and fully ground. They have an integral t-slot and serrated top surface to accept fixed jaws, moving jaws and other accessories."
"Royal Acculength 5C Collet Chuck Low-Profile CNC Collet Chucks have been optimized for outstanding accuracy and rigidity.\r\n\r\nThe low-profile nose of these chuck models offers excellent tool clearance.\r\n\r\nPullback models offer a great low-cos...
{"Brand":"Weiler","Machine no":"D899","Type":"LZ Primus GS","Distance between centers":"480 mm","Center height":"125 mm","Turning diameter above the bed":"250 mm \u00f8","Turning diameter above the support":"120 mm \u00f8","Passage":"23 mm \u00f8","p...