"Quantitative Production by 3 Milling Turrets with Y-axis! 3rd turret (lower turret) minimizes the cutting time difference between OP-10 and OP-20 to balance cutting tempo. 3rd turret offers sufficient 32 tools for both OP-10 and OP-20 machining appl...
"Attached to the front of the quick change cap, the seal blank can be cut to suit the size of bar required. The seal then reduces the potential for swarf and coolant to go down the spindle."
"Genuine 45\u00b0 slant bed for minimum distance from Z-axis ball screw to the tool tip. Box slideways with hardness HRC 55 for heavy cutting. Programmable tailstock and chip conveyor is offered as standard. Only wide range spindle motor Fanuc \u03b1...