Made in Taiwan. With Fanuc 0iMF control, BT40 spindle, 1050mm X axis, 540mm Y axis, 560mm Z axis, 20kW power, 20~12,000rpm spindle speeds (11,000rpm Fanuc) and 36 station twin arm ATC.
Table size 1270mm x 610mm. T slot size 5 x 18mm x 100mm .X/Y/Z travels 1067mm x 610mm x 610 mm. Min/Max distance Table to Spindle nose 152mm -762mm. Rapid traverses X,Y & Z Axis 35m,35m & 30m/min. Spindle speeds to 10,000 rpm. Spindle power 18kW. 24 ...
Options: 30+1 ATC Swarf screw CNC : HAAS
Specifications: Table surface 1670 x 813 mm X axis travel 1620 mm Y axis travel 813 mm Z axis travel 762 mm Max. table load 1800 kg Spindle speeds 1 – 12 000 RPM Main motor power 23 KW S...
Options: CNC : FANUC i series + Manual guide 30 ATC 20 Bar thru spindle coolant Swarf Conveyor 4 th axis ready
Specifications: Table surface 1400 x 670 mm X axis travel 1270 mm Y axis travel 670 mm Z axis travel 625 mm Max. table load...