Table size 1065 x 230mm. Longitudinal traverse 675mm.Cross traverse 305mm. Vertical traverse 405mm. Number of tee slots 3. Width and centres 15.9 at 63.5mm centres. Quill movement 305mm. Spindle taper R8. Spindle speed Number 15. Spindle speed range ...
Semco TM1000 Turret Milling Machine with 1370 x 360mm Table, 1000mm Long Travel, ISO40 Inverter Driven Variable Speed Spindle, Automatic Mechanical feed to X & Y axis, Power Rise & Fall to the table. 3 Axis DRO, coolant .
Working surface 1372 x 279mm. T Slots 3 x 16mm. Longitudinal Travel 800mm. Cross Travel 345mm. Vertical Travel 406. Maximum Distance Spindle to Table 395mm. Maximum Distance Spindle to Column 725mm. Minimum Distance Spindle to Column 135mm. Quill Tra...