Type/Model: C79040-A0092-C242-02-85, part of the set- 1:
Stocknumber: O.99 13866 2:
Main category: [O] Press brakes, Bending machines, Straightening machines, Punching machines, Laser cutting machines & Flamecutting machines and Roll forminglines 3:
Sub category: [O.99] Spare Parts for Bendingmachines, Straightening machines, Punching machines, Lasercutting machines & Flamecutting machines and Roll forminglines 4:
Brand: unknow
{"0":"5 axis controlled Press brake (Y1 -Y2 - X - R - Bombation in table) CNC Delem DA 65 graphic 2D Has the hydraulic active bombation option.","1":"Type\/Model: Lexus 420 ton x 10 100 mm CNC","2":"Stocknumber: O.01 5522","3":"Main category: [O] Pre...
{"0":"Has a unique beam length compensation system which eliminates the divergency of the laser beam (ensuring identical cutting results at any location within the cutting area). Torrit filter extraction system","1":"Type\/Model: 6000 x 2000mm","2":"...