Included: new CNC touchscreen control 1:
Type/Model: PPNMZ 165 ton x 4100 mm CNC 2:
Stocknumber: O.01 8459 3:
Main category: [O] Press brakes, Bending machines, Straightening machines, Punching machines, Laser cutting machines & Flamecutting machines and Roll forminglines 4:
Sub category: [O.01] Hydraulic press brakes 5:
Brand: LVD
{"0":"4 rolls driven hydraulic with prebending cap at 500 mm length: 12 mm cap at 1000 mm length: 10 mm cap at 2000 mm length: 7 mm","1":"Type\/Model: 3040 x 6 mm","2":"Stocknumber: O.06 9906","3":"Main category: [O] Press brakes, Bending machines, S...