Halter Millstacker
HALTER CNC Automation has developed the HALTER Load Assistants, based on its many years of experience in the machining industry and production automation: The all-in-one Universal (for turning and milling), the TurnStacker and the MillStacker. Compact, Premium and Big. Available with a 12kg, 25kg, 35kg or 70kg robot arm.
All Halter loading robots can be configured individually according to customer requirements
Complete Plug & play solutions for every brand of CNC machine, New or existing
Please contact 1MTA for more details.
The Darex XT-3000 Drill Sharpener is a workhorse sharpener which can be expanded to meet a variety of sharpening needs. It sharpens a wide variety of sizes and styles of drills and other tools with ease and accuracy. Using our patented chuck/cam desi...
The Darex XT-3000 Drill Sharpener is a workhorse sharpener which can be expanded to meet a variety of sharpening needs. It sharpens a wide variety of sizes and styles of drills and other tools with ease and accuracy. Using our patented chuck/cam desi...