Manufacterer: MATSUURA
Model: H-Plus 405
Year: 2004
Control: Matsuura G-Tech 16i
Pallet table size: 500x500 mm
Number of pallets: 6 x
Table load: 400 kg
Movement X-axis: 600 mm
Movement Y-axis: 600 mm
Movement Z-axis: 600 mm
Table indexing: 0.001 °
High Rigidity.
Ball Screws and Linear Guideways.
Window XP Based Control System, easily Compatible with Different Kinds of Software.
Intelligent Database – Autocad Can Be Used Directly.
Travels: 1350 / 700 / 700mm (X, Y, Z) Spindle power 18.5kW BT-50 spindle for heavy cutting (opt BBT-50) Wide base with 4 slideways in Y-axis High torque output of 498Nm 24 (opt 32 or 40) Tool Magazine Maximum part weight 2,200Kg Screw chip removers i...