Specifications: Working area:
X-axis: 120"
Y-axis: 60"
Z-axis: 5"
Maximum work-piece weight: 1562 lbs.
Maximum speed 140 m/min
Accuracy, smallest programmable increment: 0.0004"
Model: TruFlow 4000
Maximum power: 4000 watts
Maximum sheet thickness in mild steel: 20 mm
Maximum sheet thickness in stainless steel: 15 mm
Maximum sheet thickness in aluminum: 10 mm
Electromagnetic bearings
Equipped with:
Siemens control
4000 watt Trumpf resonator
Automatic pallet changer
Dust Collector
Nozzle changer
Prep for LiftMaster.
T-Nuts to suit B Series used for the mounting of jaws onto the base jaws on a power chuck.
These are supplied with the bolts required. Keeping spare t-nuts can result in reducing setup times.
One piece 30˚ slant bed Large swing diameter 720 mm 8″ Power chuck / 4200 rpm Z-axis travel 600 mm High thrust force 1583 Nm High rapid feed 24/24 m/min (X/Z) Shortened belt driven spindle Rotary operation panel