One piece 30˚ slant bed with large swing diameter 10” power chuck / 3500 rpm Z-axis travel 750mm High thrust force by small pitch ballscrew High rapid feed 24m/min (Z-axis) Shortened belt driven spindle Digital tailstock
SpecificationSpindle Speeds 9.5 to 1560 (18)Spindle taper No 5 morseSpindle travel 410mmFeeds 0.066 to 0.963Max spindle height spindle to base 70”Column diaGraduations metricPower LockingEquipmentSafety brakeBox tableCoolantElectrics 440 V 3 phase...
Klamp QCRL42 collet chucks are suitable for spring, varibore and rubberflex collets increasing its flexibility. Varibore and rubberflex collets allow rough, unfinished bar to be machined in the first operation and spring collets can be used for high ...