Manufacterer: ToRen
Model: ZX 7550 V
Movement X-axis: 585 mm
Movement Y-axis: 185 mm
Movement Z-axis: 300 mm
Table size: 1000 x 240 mm
Milling head swivable +/-: 90 °
Table swivable +/-: 30 °
Spindle taper vertical: SK 40
Spindle t...
Type RLR 15000A/270 Working Pressure 8bar Manufactured & Installed 2013 326Kg Made in Italy Stock No: 78837 Serial No: CA16138764 Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the above information is accurate it is not guaranteed. We advise prosp...
VersaGrip is a simple bolt on system that will allow you to perform aggressive machining operations on irregular shaped components while clamping on as little as 1.5mm. VersaGrips are available individually for fixturing with Pitbull clamps or for so...