Code: COL002 Height of Centres: 280mmBed Length Between Centre: 1000/1500/2000/3000MMSwing over Bed: 554mmSwing in Gap: 830mmSwing over Cross Slide: 370mmSpindle Bore: 104mmSpindle Nose mounting: D1-11 CamlockMorse Taper in Nose Bush: No. 5 MTNumber of speed ranges: 3 variableRange: 18 - 1800 rpmMotor: 11 kwNumber of metric pitches: 66Range of metric pitches: 0.2 to 14mmNumber of Imperial Pitches: 73Range of imperial pitches: 2 to 84 TPINumber of Diametral Pitches: 27Range of Diametral Pitches: 8 to 72 DPNumber of Module pitches: 20Range of Module pitches: 0.2 to 3.5 MODWidth of Bedways: 400mmTravel of Cross Slide: 300mmTravel of Top Slide: 175mmTailstock Travel: 178mmTaper in Tailstock Barrel: No. 6 MT
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Cast iron plain octagonal profile Tooling Column with mounting holes. Plain to allow for the machining of hole patterns and features required for specific fixtures. Ground flat parallel and perpendicular for accuracy. Holes for side location to allow...