Code: COL002 Height of Centres: 280mmBed Length Between Centre: 1000/1500/2000/3000MMSwing over Bed: 554mmSwing in Gap: 830mmSwing over Cross Slide: 370mmSpindle Bore: 104mmSpindle Nose mounting: D1-11 CamlockMorse Taper in Nose Bush: No. 5 MTNumber of speed ranges: 3 variableRange: 18 - 1800 rpmMotor: 11 kwNumber of metric pitches: 66Range of metric pitches: 0.2 to 14mmNumber of Imperial Pitches: 73Range of imperial pitches: 2 to 84 TPINumber of Diametral Pitches: 27Range of Diametral Pitches: 8 to 72 DPNumber of Module pitches: 20Range of Module pitches: 0.2 to 3.5 MODWidth of Bedways: 400mmTravel of Cross Slide: 300mmTravel of Top Slide: 175mmTailstock Travel: 178mmTaper in Tailstock Barrel: No. 6 MT
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Serial No BO 15492Jones & Shipman 540 surface grinderPower Raise & LowerMagnet 18” x 6”ImperialCoolant or Dust can be providedDimensions 1000 x 1250 x 1750mm
Machine structure: Precision rack and pinion, direct drive
Travel drive method: X,Y, Z simultaneous 3 axes
Control method: X,Y, Z simultaneous 3 axis control
X-Axis stoke: 122.05"
Y-Axis stroke: 61.02"
Z-Axis Stroke: 3.54"
Maximum work piece size: 12...