Vertical CNC machiningcentre with a movable column (X). Due to the big workarea the machine is ideal for long pieces or pendel work 1:
Type/Model: UV4 CNC X:1600 - Y:400 - Z:400mm 2:
Stocknumber: B.04 3244 3:
Main category: [B] Milling machines 4:
Sub category: [B.04] Bed milling machine with moving column & CNC 5:
Brand: Unisign
{"0":"ISO 40 Type FU 124 R Hyper","1":"Type\/Model: ISO 40","2":"Stocknumber: B.01 7222","3":"Main category: [B] Milling machines","4":"Sub category: [B.01] Universal Milling machines & CNC","5":"Brand: Graffenstaden FU 124 R Hyper"}
{"0":"15 HP milling motor similar to \"Samafor\" Extrusion of screws lathe and milling machine variable depth !!!","1":"Type\/Model: TV-B, FM 2.67","2":"Stocknumber: J.03 0286","3":"Main category: [J] Whirling Machines","4":"Sub category: [J.03] Worm...