Table Size 914mm x 356mm. Traverses X/Y/Z 762mm/406mm/508mm. Maximum Cutting Feedrate 16.5m/min. Rapids 18m/minute. Min/Max Height Table to Spindle nose 102/610mm. Spindle Motor Power 20Hp. Spindle Speeds to 10,000rpm. 24 Auto Tool Changer. Spindle t...
CNC Heidenhain TNC 640
Clamping area of table 1000 mm
Max weight of workpiece 1300 kg
Travel X-axis 1200 mm
Travel Y-axis 1000 mm
Travel Z-axis 700 mm
Spindle speed 20-14000 rpm
Spindle taper HSK 100
Main motor power 25 kW
Rapid feed...