The Side-Loc Xpansion Clamp is actuated from the side, making it perfect for blind hole applications. The Side-Loc Xpansion Clamp is designed in two styles, one for milling operations and one for lathe applications. The milling vesrion has a precision machined base for precise location in fixture plates and the lathe version has a 25.4mm shank for gripping in a chuck.
The MITEE-BITE Multi-Fixture Clamps offer increased versatility through their unique riser clamp design. They are available with steps to lift the workpiece or without steps to clamp higher up on the workpiece. All clamps come in metric or imperial v...
Magnetic Chuck Diameter: 600 mmMax Diameter Ground: 600mmMax Under Grinding Wheel: 350 mm AproxWheel Size 300 mm dia. x 50 mm wideMachine with: Magnetic Chuck, Tilting Table,Coolant.
Serial Number 17913Working Surface of the table … 610 x 178 mmLongitudinal traverse of table …635 mmCross Traverse of Table … 203 mmVertical movement of wheel-head …279 mmSize of Grinding wheel 200 x 20 x 31, 75 mmC/w Coolant and Light