Max turning dia: 550mmMax turning length: 1020mmSpindle speeds: Twin spindle both with C axis speeds to 5000rpmHollow spindle: 65mm on both spindlesTurret type & No of tool stations: Upper turret + - 120 deg / 10000rpm, 40 ATCTailstock (YorN): N Subs...
Fanuc 18iTB CNC ControlEMT super 80 magazine-barfeedSwarf conveyorParts catcherParts conveyorToolsetting probe8 off angle head driven toolholders3 off double ended driven toolholders4 off radial driven toolholders13 off static toolholders15 off assor...
Rapid Feeds (X, Z Axis) 30 m/min
Rapid Feed (Y Axis) 15 m/min,
Axis Acceleration 1g
Max Speed of the Head 4.000 rpm
Ø Spindle Bar Diameter 66 mm.
Chuck Bore Ø 66 mm.
Spindle Max. Power 35 kW
Number of positions of Driven tools 16
Driven T...