"MACHINE COMPLETE WITH:\n\n * Mechanism for the rotation of head block for angled cuts up to 45\u00b0 left , 45\u00b0 right and 45\u00b0 off the vertical.\n * Two pneumatic vices adjustable both lengthwise and laterally.\n * Pneumatic cylinder for head movement, with brake for speed adjustment.\n * Two speeds of blade rotation obtainable by inverting the pulleys.\n * Perfectly balanced head, tilting upon shielded ball bearings.\n * Drive pedal for semiautomatic cycle.\n * Emergency push button with key and lockable switch on control panel.\n * Nebulizer.\n * Complete protection guard with rapid blade change system.\n * Bar stop with millemetre ruler placeable on both sides of the machine.\n * Instruction book for use and maintenance.\n * Set of keys for maintenance.\n * Please note: blade not supplied with machine.\n\nACCESSORIES UPON REQUEST:\n\n * Copper cutting kit\n * Widia blade\n * Loading and unloading roller tables\n\nDIMENSIONS > 600 x 1100 x 1300 mm\n\nWORKTOP HEIGHT > 790 mm\n\nWEIGHT > 215 kg"