Max weight for symmetric rotor Kg 300
Max diameter of rotor mm 1000
Diameter of rotor journals mm 5:100
Max sensitivity max g/mm 0,8
Standard bed mm 1200
Max distance between centerline of pedestals with standard bed mm 1050
Min distance between centerline of pedestals mm 150
Daimeter driveb by belt mm 50:400
Balancing speed (instrumentation) 1/mm (70) 125:10000
Power and type of drive kW 2,8 D.C.
With safety guards
YEAR 2006
Table Data:
Capacity | 2500M
Table area | 1500x350mm
Number of “T” shaped slots | 5-16H7
Distance between “T” shaped slots | 60mm
Rotary movement of table in both direction | 45º
Automatic longitudinal | 1150mm
Automatic cross | 400mm