5 Individuals Mics 25-50mm 50-75mm 75-100mm 100-125mm 125mm-150mm Supplied with: Box as photographed Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the above information is accurate it is not guaranteed. We advise prospective purchasers to check any vital details. Health and Safety At Work Act 1974: It is not reasonably practical for ourselves as suppliers to ensure that for your application the goods comply with requirements of the Act with respect to guarding etc. Prospective purchasers should ensure that a guarding specialist inspect the goods prior to use.
General Specifications for LNS Type HYS 6.32 HS-4.8 barfeed
Consisting of:
A three-piece aluminum profile barrel assembly containing 6 steel guide
tubes aranged in a concentric circle with manual indexing ring at the rear,
and an automatics cen...