"Bar capacity 117.5mm Large Spindle Bore option up to 190mm Spindle speed 2000rpm (1300 for LSB) Hydraulic chuck size 15\u201d ( opt. 18\u201d ) 45 degree one piece slant bed cast for maximum structure rigidity Turning length 1250 \/ 2200 \/ 3250 \/ 4250 mm C & Y Axis available"
{"Brand":"MPT","Machine no":"M627","Type":"Made in Italy","chuck":"","Diameter":"600 mm \u00f8","3-jaw chuck":"600 mm \u00f8","Passage":"203 mm \u00f8","Hole diameter":"600 mm \u00f8"}
"Gripper jaws can be a great way of getting round part movement in roughing operations, this is by use of teeth in the jaw which bite into the material. This biting can also be a great way to get round problems using black bar or other rough material...